Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Mobility, when Awake or Asleep

Evie is becoming more and more mobile, which is cause for great celebration and also some fear because we are not ready for it at all (still need to babyproof the house). Regardless of how her parents are feeling, Evie is moving on, literally. She has already been turning circles in bed, but the other day, I walked in after a long night's sleep to find her like this:

She rolled over onto her stomach, turned 45 degrees, and then pushed herself back until her legs were stuck out the rails. Yes, exactly like the time Ella Reese did the same thing in her bed.

Here is a picture to compare. This is from Lillian's blog; Ella Reese did this in January. Do all babies do this?

She also loves sitting up. I took this picture in time to see her start to tumble over. A friend of mine got her that little dress when she was vacationing in Jamaica. Cute little island girl!

She is trying Very Hard to crawl. She gets so frustrated when she is on her belly and can't go where she wants that she will start to scream a little--what a temper! She can belly scoot backwards and "swim" her way forward. Tim and I have also walked in on her in the early morning or late night when she is rocking back and forth on her hands and knees, whining and half asleep. We have never seen her do this when she is awake. I am sure she will be rocking and crawling very soon, during all hours of the day!

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