Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Fun Day Out

My friends Amy and David have two rambunctious kids, Noel and Jonah. David is a youth pastor, and he left last Friday on a youth group mission trip to New Orleans to do some rebuilding. This left Amy with her two boys for 8 days (yikes!). So my friend Coryn, baby Evie, and I met up with Amy and the boys for some lunch and a little outing to the park.

At the diner, Noel was coloring with some crayons. I told Noel my favorite color is blue. What is your favorite color? "All the colors are my favorite colors!" he exclaimed! Jonah and Noel pose with Noel's favorite colors.

After we ate lunch, Noel and Jonah started burning up some energy by running and up down the diner; time to leave! We went to the park across the street. Noel found a HUGE tree to climb.

There was a small stage in the park; Noel and Jonah performed some songs for us. Notice Noel's cool dance moves.

They took a break from the stage and played in the dirt.

Evie enjoyed the outdoors and loved feeling the grass.

She is also starting to recognize the camera. This is the first time she reached out for it with the intent to grab it.

From left to right: Noel, Amy, Coryn, and Evie (I think Jonah was still in the dirt). A beautiful day in the park! We will do it again soon.

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