Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Let's drive to the Movies! Let's go see the show!

Note: That title line is more fun if you are a fan of showtunes and are familiar with "Annie".

While we were in TN, we had a chance to go to the movies with Sharon, Lon, and our cousin Andrea. It was my first time at a drive-in movie (as well as Evie and Andrea). And of course, this is Evie's first time at a movie theater, ever. This was really perfect, though, because if she got truly upset, all we had to do was get up and walk out of earshot. Our daughter never did get upset, perhaps because she likes the outdoors so much.

Evie gets ready for the movies with a bath in Sharon's sink. Her little strip of hair stands up really tall when we spike it.

We had her in her carseat for awhile to try to keep her quiet and see if she would go to sleep. That didn't really work right away. Evie and her mama are holding hands at the movies.

Our little family. Tim says he didn't really smile in this picture because he was trying to hold up Evie in her carseat for the picture--holding her in that piece of equipment is getting heavier and heavier. We haven't weighed her recently, but she must be bordering on 13 lbs.

Evie and her aunty Sharon, getting ready to watch the movie. You can see the little strip of hair she has in the front looks like a small combover.

Evie finally fell asleepin the middle of the movie. She had a hard time relaxing enough to sleep because she was in my arms, but she ended up dozing off while staring up at the half moon. So sweet.

Here we all are, getting ready to watch the Fantastic Four: The Rise of the Silver Surfer!! In a regular movie theater, this movie would have been horrible. But when watching it outdoors at a drive-in movie theater, it was pretty good!

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