Thursday, July 5, 2007

Hello Kitty

Many of you know that I, like a good Asian, have a happy affection for Hello Kitty. I can't explain it, I just like her, she's so adorable. I have built up a small Hello Kitty collection over the years and am very happy with it.

So of course I was very pleased when all kinds of Hello Kitty items arrived at my house in preparation for the baby. Hello Kitty books, baby blankets, dolls, spools of ribbon, diaper bag, baby towel set, etc. I was more than happy, I was blisfully contented.

Then, my Joy Was Made Complete when Lillian pointed out that Evie LOOKS like Hello Kitty. Shall we do a visual comparison?

Short of drawing whiskers on the child's face and putting a bow (or strawberrries?) in her hair, she does indeed look like Hello Kitty!

Oh Lord, you are wonderful because you know how to move my heart ....

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