The things Evie says to me, in the way only Evie can say them.
Monday, July 19, 2010.
When I am trying to correct Evie or introduce her to a new boundary, I usually finish off my statement by saying, "This is Mommy's rule." Today, Evie told me with a very somber face, "Mommy, I have rules too. And they are SERIOUS."
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Evie had been watching PBS and learned something. She excitedly explains to me, "Mommy, we can write the word 'CRAP' on a sign for Isaac, and then he can say the word 'CRAP'!" (In my head--what kind of PBS show are you watching?!) Keeping my voice calm, I said, "What did you say?" She says it again, with major emphasis on the word "CRAP!" I ask her to repeat one more time. She says, "We can write the word CRAP on a sign so Isaac can CRAP (here she makes a CLAPPING motion with her hands) and then he can say 'CRAP'!" Oh, CLAP. She still can't say her "L"s yet.
Monday, September 20, 2010
We were rushing through breakfast so we could leave and get to Evie's preschool on time. In the middle of me feeding Isaac his breakfast and Evie s-l-o-w-l-y consuming her breakfast, she declared she needed to go to the bathroom. I hurried her through her bathroom routine, urging her to move faster with almost every other breath. In the midst of the process, Evie asked me: "Mommy, why are you driving me crazy?"