Sunday, July 1, 2007

Family Time

Family photo time (although Evie was more interested in the coffee table).

Grammy and Grandaddy with their grandbaby! Ain't life grand?

Who loves you baby??? No it isn't Telly Savalas, our first celebrity guest on the blog. It's my uncle John and proud Grandpappy of Maddie. He's not afraid to share the love to Evie too, besides, he's a Chaplain and CPE supervisor! What's not to love?

Erin contiues to be upset as the glorious title of "Youngest Cousin" is yet again ripped from her grasp. Rabbit ears brought to you by the latest Dylan bootleg album! (If you don't get it, you just don't know my dad.)

Just hanging with Maddie and taste testing their hands. Could Evie be left handed????

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