Wednesday, July 11, 2007

July 4th BBQ

We went to a friend's house for a good ole' July 4th BBQ. To celebrate, we dressed Evie in red, white, and blue (someone gave us this outfit and we found it in a pile of clothes just in time). She drew a crowd of admirers and even got a kiss from Noel (6 years old).

A few words about Noel--he is a hyper, creative, and very busy 6 year old. Are all 6 year old boys such a whirlwind? I am a fan of Amy, his mom, because she seems to be able to keep up with him and his younger brother, Jonah (4 years old). Here, Noel is in the hammock practicing his Spider Man skills.

This is Evie's first time meeting a dog. She kept staring and staring -- "How did Smokey the cat get so big and hairy?" By the way, our cat Smokey is now officially scared of the baby ever since he got too close to sniff her and she grabbed a huge piece of fur around his neck and wouldn't let go. He looked at me with eyes that said "What? I am being attacked by this short person! Help!" Ever since then, whenever Evie even looks like she could get near him, he runs away.

Evie hanging out with her daddy and the guys, talking politics (appropriate for July 4th).

Noel and his little brother were playing with a huge Pokemon inflatable toy when it turned into a little fight over the huge Pokemon inflatable toy. You can see Jonah tugging here. He eventually won, with the help of his parents.

Evie's admirers came back for a second session of cooing and googling. She wowed them with her standing up skills. The teenage girls at the party loved passing her around with loud exclamations of "She is SOOOO cute!" They took pictures with her on their camera phones and digital cameras. A few days later, she shows up in pictures of their Facebook. Cuteness brings people together.

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