Friday, February 2, 2007

Evangeline is here!!

She is finally here! Evangeline En-mei Dalton came into this world on Thursday, January 25th at 6:51 PM. She came in weighing 8 and a half pounds and 20 inches long. She has got a full head of dark hair and adorable, chubby cheeks!


These matching winter hats were made by my sister, Ami. Evie is a lot of fun to play with and show her around (the house). It was such a strange feeling when I saw her for the first time: How can I be responsible for her?


Well, obviously we have more pictures and stories to tell, but I just wanted to get this "mini-post" out there so everyone can see our pride and joy! Peace!


Anonymous said...

Hi Evie, you're so adorable I can't wait to see you! Much love, Auntie Aileen

rose said...

Evie is so beautiful!

I've gotten the good news from Wilhelmina from church, Lisa (and Dr. Brash) from seminary, and Charlemagne in Cameroon! The whole world is rejoicing over her birth!

Welcome to the world, Evie!