Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bedtime Activities

The only established routine we have right now is Evie's bedtime. We use the term "bedtime" loosely because it can actually take over 3 to 4 hours to get her to sleep for the night after beginning the bedtime routine.

First, she gets a warm bath. She LOVES the bath, especially when we wash her hair. However, she doesn't seem to like it when we take pictures of her spiked hair.

Then, she gets diapered, massaged and dressed. Here, she is looking at Snoopy and thinking his nose is a breast. Sorry little girl, there is no food in Snoopy's nose!

Afterwards, she listens to her favorite CD of lullabies while Tim reads to her or just plays with her.

"I love you daddy" Evie says. It makes us forgive the fact that we will be up past 1 a.m. trying to lull her to sleep for the night. Sweet girl, she is worth all the effort.

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