Monday, February 26, 2007

Light Sleep Resistance Fighter

Evie has officially declared her status as a card-carrying member of the Light Sleep Resistance Movement. This movement is joined by newborn babies every day, who have declared that they will not go to sleep easily and will fight sleep for hours on end, determined that the ex-utero world is much more fascinating than anything they could encounter in their sleep. Evie, our household Light Sleep Resistance Fighter, has a specialty move that she likes to employ after her mommy and daddy have invested at least an hour of active rocking, walking, nursing and singing. After she has been placed in the bassinet and wrapped up like a burrito, she has the ability to return from the edge of deep sleep in the time it takes for us to walk to the other side of the room. Ahhh, her powers are astounding...

Here are some pictures of mommy and daddy in action, trying to convince their little Light Sleep Resistance Fighter to succumb to dreamland...

She "looks" asleep, but do not be fooled!

Notice the look of exhaustion on daddy's face. This is a direct result of fruitless hours of fighting the Light Sleep Resistance Movement.

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