Wednesday, February 14, 2007


So sorry we haven't been keeping up with the blog and posting pics, but if you have ever been a parent of a newborn infant, you will understand that Tim and I have been using every spare moment to sleep or eat (and there haven't been many of those!). So, because she is finally sleeping 4 hours during the night -- God answers prayers, folks -- I am more coherent to finally pay attention to activities other than feeding the baby, changing the baby, comforting a crying baby, putting a fussy baby to sleep, etc.

Here are some pics of Evie's grandparents. My mom, and Tim's parents came in town when Evie was born to help out and to coo over their new granddaughter. They made endless delicious meals, cleaned the house, held the baby so Tim and I could catch a few hours of sleep here and there, and were founts of wonderful wisdom concerning baby care.

Evie and Grammy. Do you see Evie's face? That's her "newborn" face--all chipmunk cheeks. As soon as I find the cord that syncs the camera to the computer, I will post more recent photos--her face has already changed! Her cheeks aren't as chubby, for one thing.
Evie and Granddaddy. Actually, Ray said he wanted Evie to pick out the name she would use to call him. He may have to wait for awhile. In the meantime, should we refer to him as "Ray Dalton, otherwise known as your Grandfather"?
Evie with PawPaw -- Chinese name for maternal grandmother. She's modeling another of Ami's creations. I love the hat on her because she looks like she's wearing a colorful flower arrangement. Hilarious!
Yeah for Grandparents!

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