Friday, January 19, 2007

41, 1 and 20

I have been pregnant for 41 weeks, 1 day and 20 hours so far. The baby is overdue, and I am getting bigger and bigger. I feel like I am so big that I must scare people with my bigness as they pass me by. It's almost like a promise has been broken somewhere--a pregnancy is only supposed to last 40 weeks. Why am I still pregnant? Doesn't the baby know this womb is only supposed to be open for business for 40 weeks and no more? The rent is due kid, time to move out!

However, I am sure the baby feels she is not overdue and plans to make her exit when she believes it is time. It is really funny how much of her character we are surmising from her continued stay in my belly. "She loves all the attention and wants to make a grand entrance--she must be a drama queen!" or "She is laid-back and not in a hurry to be anywhere" or "She must be very independent-minded because she doesn't want to share a birthday with anyone."

While we have been waiting, my youngest sister Sharon has been in and out of town. She arrived a day after the due date and stayed until this past Wednesday. She came to help with the baby but since there hasn't been a baby to help, she helped reorganize the baby's room instead.

Mom came on Monday and she will be here for 3 and 1/2 weeks. She flew all the way in from Hong Kong to be with me and the baby. She also came to help out with the baby, but since there has been no baby to help, she has been cooking, cleaning around the house and hanging out with me. Between Mom and Sharon, I have felt like I have been on one of those HGTV decluttering and reorganizing shows, but with lots of good Chinese food.

1 comment:

rose said...

Doris! You are huge! You are hugely beautiful! (I think it's a Cookman baby thing!) You are hugely blessed! Amazing, beautiful, wondrous!

Just in case baby decides to come soon, I pray that you will have an incredible, wondrous, awe-inspiring delivery. Many, many blessings be poured out on you!!!!!

Love and incredible shalom,