Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Daddy's Little Girl

Yeah, we played that game of "who does she look like?" and in my opinion, Tim is winning. Here is a picture of our little family--can you see any resemblances?

Okay, now look at Tim and Evie. She has his chin and mouth and his forehead. The eyes and hair are definitely mine, the jury is still out on the nose. And of course, she has the Kung feet with finger-like toes. I have several pics of that, I'll post them later.
Look, they even sleep the same way! (I couldn't figure out how to upload it as a rotated pic, the computer is stubborn--just turn your head.) She's daddy's little girl. This means Trouble For Tim!!

By the way, if you can see it, the time on Tim's watch says "1:20". That's a.m., folks. I was taking pictures of sleeping people at 1a.m. because I had just put her to sleep (in our bed of course, but at 1 a.m. you are desperate).

1 comment:

Sharon said...

it's been fun looking at all your pics! I see the resemblance between Evie and Tim, but she definately has your lips!!