Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Universal Studios!

We took one day off from the conference to relax and went to Universal Studios theme park with my pastor and her husband. We had a great time! Evie was awake for the first two hours we were there, and saw so much that she promptly fell asleep and slept almost the rest of the time we were there.

We really wore her out, so much that she couldn't wake up for her photo opportunity with Curious George, Woody Woodpecker and his wife.

Curious George loved Evie. He played with her little feet, and kissed her sleepy little head. He gave me a kiss, too!

Tim is holding a still sleeping Evie. I didn't know Woody had a wife, either, but I guess at Universal Studios he does.

"I love you Daddy!" Tim just got back from the Men In Black ride and was happy to see her awake. We took turns getting on rides because we found that though many things didn't bother Evie, the loud volumes on the rides did.

Kim, Pastor Donna's husband, is holding Evie right as we were walking out of the theme park. She is still sleeping!

At the end of the day ... though it was long, we are still smiling. And Evie is still sleeping.

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