Tuesday, April 24, 2007

To Florida and back

This past weekend, the Dalton family went to Orlando, Florida. I was co-teaching a workshop at a national United Methodist conference celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Order of Deacon. (FYI: I'm a Deacon, which is clergy who connect the church to the world, the world to the Church and make disciples.) Anyway, this weekend was full of "firsts" for our little girl. We really exposed her to a lot of new things, stimulation, keeping her out late, etc...and she did wonderfully.

Here are some pictures from Evie's first plane ride. We can proudly proclaim that although there were several babies on the plane, and all the babies cried at some point, our baby did not. She loves the plane and slept very well. The car seat is still another story...so we wonder if we just need to get a recording of a jet engine and play it in the car to soothe her?

We are about to go out and attend conference sessions. Evie is ready to go with her new sun hat. She is lying on the hotel bedspread, but to her, it is just another set of colorful stripes.

Too cute!! She was holding her new toy, but let go right as the camera snapped. That grip is getting stronger! "Thank you Aunt Pam and Uncle John for my toy!"

Another wide brimmed hat, designed to block the Florida rays. Unfortunately, I was a little overzealous and got a hat that was much too big for her...even though it was the smallest size. That's because you are our little bit, Evie!

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