Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Working Girl and Rolling Over

I have recently gone back to work and have the luxary of taking Evie with me. It is a wonderful blessing to be able to have her with me throughout the day, instead of wondering how she is doing and missing her. This means that my office has been taken over by baby furniture and accoutrements, but it is certainly worth it.

So, today is a prime reason why I chose to take her to work with me. She began to roll over today! I had her on a blow-up bed (a co-worker had to spend the night at the office) and she pushed off her left side from her stomach and flipped over onto her back. I nearly lost my mind with excitement. She did it two more times. When I finally regained the presence of mind to get the camera, she was too tired to roll over anymore, and instead looked steadily at the camera. If she had been at a babysitter's or at daycare, I would have missed this amazing moment! Here she is, in the aftermath of the historic rolling over, too worn out to practice any more skills.

Tired from exercising her ability to roll over, she is instead working on a deep nap.

Her other work is learning to stick her fingers in her mouth. She will only ask for the pacifier sometimes, like when she is trying to fall asleep. Other times, she is just interested in her hand. Or, she will switch it up, sucking first on her hand and then switching to a pacifier before falling asleep. We are about to leave for the day. She likes to suck when she gets into the car seat, in preparation of the anticipated car nap.

Universal Studios!

We took one day off from the conference to relax and went to Universal Studios theme park with my pastor and her husband. We had a great time! Evie was awake for the first two hours we were there, and saw so much that she promptly fell asleep and slept almost the rest of the time we were there.

We really wore her out, so much that she couldn't wake up for her photo opportunity with Curious George, Woody Woodpecker and his wife.

Curious George loved Evie. He played with her little feet, and kissed her sleepy little head. He gave me a kiss, too!

Tim is holding a still sleeping Evie. I didn't know Woody had a wife, either, but I guess at Universal Studios he does.

"I love you Daddy!" Tim just got back from the Men In Black ride and was happy to see her awake. We took turns getting on rides because we found that though many things didn't bother Evie, the loud volumes on the rides did.

Kim, Pastor Donna's husband, is holding Evie right as we were walking out of the theme park. She is still sleeping!

At the end of the day ... though it was long, we are still smiling. And Evie is still sleeping.

To Florida and back

This past weekend, the Dalton family went to Orlando, Florida. I was co-teaching a workshop at a national United Methodist conference celebrating the 10th anniversary of the Order of Deacon. (FYI: I'm a Deacon, which is clergy who connect the church to the world, the world to the Church and make disciples.) Anyway, this weekend was full of "firsts" for our little girl. We really exposed her to a lot of new things, stimulation, keeping her out late, etc...and she did wonderfully.

Here are some pictures from Evie's first plane ride. We can proudly proclaim that although there were several babies on the plane, and all the babies cried at some point, our baby did not. She loves the plane and slept very well. The car seat is still another story...so we wonder if we just need to get a recording of a jet engine and play it in the car to soothe her?

We are about to go out and attend conference sessions. Evie is ready to go with her new sun hat. She is lying on the hotel bedspread, but to her, it is just another set of colorful stripes.

Too cute!! She was holding her new toy, but let go right as the camera snapped. That grip is getting stronger! "Thank you Aunt Pam and Uncle John for my toy!"

Another wide brimmed hat, designed to block the Florida rays. Unfortunately, I was a little overzealous and got a hat that was much too big for her...even though it was the smallest size. That's because you are our little bit, Evie!

More Easter Pics

Here are some more Easter-y pictures (that is, pictures taken on or around the time of Easter).

Evie is modeling her pink bunny slippers. She is also wearing a pink outfit with little bunnies all over, to match her shoes. Good fashion sense starts early.

An old boss of mine from Nashville knit a really cool sweater for Evie. I put it on her to see if it fit... sorry, no, a little too big. "Thank you Beth", says Evie, "I still think it's a great sweater, even though I can't see my hands."

These were taken on Easter Sunday at my church. "Christ is Risen, He is Risen Indeed!" proclaims Evie.

"Worship services make me excited!"

Evie and Ms. Wilhelmina after service. Sweet little girl, you make Ms. Wilhelmina so content and happy.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Evie's First Easter!

It was a full holy weekend for the Dalton gang. On good Friday, she took her first train ride as we rode into Center City - Philly to my church for the Good Friday service, where I was one of the preachers. I wasn't offended that she decided to sleep through my sermon! Saturday is a fun time to scrounge around the drug store for any of the 50% off of the Easter stuff that was left. It worked out fine this year, but I won't try that every year. Evie enjoyed her first Easter. She slept through the praise and worship part and cried her eyes out during the sermon. Her mommy had to leave the service and feed her.

Monday, April 9, 2007

Lady Vols #1

The Lady Vols' newest fan cheered them on Tuesday night to victory! (Even though she was in bed, she seemed to squall at the appropriate times - just like her father! 2007 has been a good sports year, with Peyton Manning getting the Superbowl ring and the Lady Vols taking the 7th championship. Now we just have to wait for Bruce Pearl to get it done and I think it will be sooner than people think.

There are obviously a lot of disappointed Rutgers fans up here, but none in the pictures!


Evie got her first slew of shots on March 22. It was a painful expereince for Evie as well as for us. She cried and cried. It broke our hearts to hear her knowing that there was three more to come! Dr. Cady was relevied to see that we did not bring our video camera. Evidently some folks must record everything . . . we just wanted to get through it and move on. Amazingly, that afternoon and night was the most mello she has ever been. We'll if you have to go through that, it's nice to have a calm after effect.