Thursday, February 15, 2007

Random Pictures

Here are some other pictures. Evie has got some super lungs, and when she wails you can literally feel your inner core of peace and happiness being physically compromised. One way to solve this is to cork her with a thumb, as Tim demonstrates below.

Chipmunk cheeks! With the way she eats, I keep telling her she is trying to store up food for winter in her cheeks, which isn't necessary.

This is playtime, yesterday. She has started to focus in on the hanging star and the string of beads above her bassinet.

This picture is also from yesterday. Hasn't her face started to change?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rev. Doris She is so beautiful. God Bless her and your family thanks for sending mom the pictures. keep in touch
Andrea Ross
St. James UMC