Sunday, May 16, 2010

Because a Flamingo is Pink

If you haven't figured it out yet, Evie's favorite color is Pink.  She has been known to leave the house decked out in different shades of pink from head to toe.  If she is asked to choose between two items of any color and pink, she will choose the pink item.  But Tim and I had no idea how far her love of pink could take her.

We  went to the local zoo one Saturday last month, ready for a great day.  They had their face painting tent open and we hinted to Evie that she could get her face painted if she so desired.  Evie thought about it, and then announced that she wanted her face painted like a flamingo.  FLAMINGO?  There were no pictures of the flamingo option at the tent, none of the other kids were flamingos, we had not yet seen the flamingos.  Why did she pick Flamingo?  Because it is a Pink Animal.   Here are pictures of the transformation:
She sat very very still for the face paint lady.

We were told glitter comes standard for any girl face painting.  Evie has pink glitter everywhere, to her great delight.

How does it look?  Does it need more?

Yes, apparently pink glittery lipstick is a must.

A little flamingo preening in front of the mirror.

This flamingo is ready to face the world!

When we finally came to the flamingo pen, Evie crouched down so she could be level with the flamingos.  She tried to communicate with her feathery friends and called out, "Flamingos!  I am here!!"

It was naptime.  They did not seem to notice her too much.

Towards the end of our zoo experience, the flamingo was starting to get a little smudgy.

A few weeks later, Evie and I were zooming through the dollar aisles at Target.  She was overjoyed to find a new friend:  a small flamingo lawn ornament.  It became her new friend.  So much that … 

She had the plastic flamingo join us AT DINNER.  

And it had its own bowl.  

When the weather became a little warmer, we finally put her new pink plastic friend in his home outside. 

Here is a picture of the installation ceremony.  

Her little pink joy was complete.

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