Thursday, October 18, 2007

What We Did on Our Summer Vacation...

Well, for us, summer has just ended. Really. We had a high of 80 degrees today (it's mid-October!) summer for us is still lingering around but the leaves are finally starting to change colors and make their beautiful descent to the ground. For us to rake and bag. *sigh*

Meanwhile, after you have finished looking around at the leaves on your ground, look at these pics of what we did over our summer. by the way, our computer was fixed by the marvelous Sean, our new official Mac Repair Man! Three Cheers for Sean!

Bathtime has gotten an upgrade this summer--now she is in the big girl seat.

At the beginning of the summer, she was not crawling, but trying very hard (she's wearing a headband that looks like it is eating her head)

By Labor Day, she had taken her first crawling step. Within two days, she was moving around the house.

...and had developed a love relationship with Smokey's things, even his food.

Another cute bath picture.

Nap times are getting harder since she learned to stand up on her own.

Which means exploration and fun for her!

"Look ma, one hand!"

These last four pics of a recent Daddy Day, when Evie and Tim hung out. The weather had cooled a little, so she had on a sweatshirt and little hat as they were getting ready to go out.

She is also very talkative--lots of babby babble, we are waiting to hear her first words. Maybe it will be "Smokey, stop it!"

Yes, she is usually this happy and smiling this much!

She's our little pocket of sunshine! We had a wonderful summer.

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