Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ocean City Weekend

We had a mini-family vacation in the middle of August when my BFFs (best friends forever) Angie and Beckie came to the Philly/New Jersey area. It was Evie's first time meeting my girlfriends, and Angie's girls. Fun fun fun!

Angie came over with Emma (2 y.o. peanut pie) and Ellie (at the time 8 month old munchkin). Ellie and Evie side by side. Neither of them were really crawling at the time. Isn't Ellie adorable?!

These next pics crack me up. Everyone is sitting around reading Evie's favorite book.

Evie looks back as if to say "Who are they and why are they playing with my stuff?"

"Again, who is she and why is she hogging my sippy cup?"

Evie practices assertiveness. They ended up playing and sharing nicely.

The next day, in Ocean City.

Me and my BFFs: me, Angie, her Emma, and Beckie on the boardwalk in Ocean City, NJ.

On the beach! Evie loved the waves rolling in, and would wave her hands at the water.

However she was not very excited about the cool Atlantic waters rolling up on her feet.

My favorite picture of the summer.

She liked being up in Tim's arms, with her feet out of the water.

Happy Day at the beach!

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