Thursday, October 18, 2007

A Visit from Grammy

In mid-September, we had a special visit from Tim's mom, known affectionately as Grammy to everyone else in outer-internet-space. Her visit was extra-special because she came right when I was still broken in the foot and Evie started to speed up her mobility skills.

They read books together. One of Evie's favorite things to do is to read books. She likes looking at the pictures, hearing you talk about the story, and will help you turn the pages.

The took walks together (it was a bit chilly for a few days while Grammy was here).

She started to cruise while Grammy was here, too. Here, she shows off how she can walk along the couch.

Evie gives pointers to her mommy on how to walk properly. That huge thing is a boot on my broken foot.

My, how she has grown! That little play mat used to be her favorite all-time toy, and now she has outgrown it by leaps and bounds. Grammy, we had a great time, please visit again soon!

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