Monday, May 7, 2007

Over the River and Through the Woods ...

Last weekend we went to see my Grandma in New York City. Or for Evie, her Great-grandma.

Great-grandma gave her a red pocket. A red pocket is given on special occasions or celebrations and holds money. Evidently, she liked it because she started waving it around and then trying to eat it! Ahhh, is she starting to recognize her ability to exploit her relatives for money, candy and toys?

Evie and her Tai Tai (Great-grandma), happy and peaceful!

Evie and her Great-Aunt Kaye and her beloved Mommy. You can see her face looks a little puffy. That is because she cried all the way to Brooklyn to Aunty Kaye's house. It's nothing against Brooklyn, she was just very tired and when she is very tired, she hates the car seat.

Evie and her cousin Andrea who is also my cousin... does this make Andrea her Great-cousin? Is there such a thing?

"I love all this attention," Evie says, "but when do I get more red pockets?" Don't worry Evie; we are coming back to NYC to Great-grandma's house very soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to let you guys know that I love this blog and am keeping up with you and Evie! She looks so precious (when she isn't crying). You have truly been blessed and it is so fascinating watching the "growing daltons".