Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Evie and I would like to say ...

Thank you Hannah for being such a great mother to Doris. You have molded her, raised her, and taught her how to be a good woman, wife and mother. Happy Mother's Day.

Thank you Peggy for being such a wonderful mother to Tim. You and Ray have taught him what it means to be a loving, supportive husband and a present and attentive father. Without him, Doris could not be a good mother. Happy Mother's Day.

Thank you Lillian for being such a wonderful support and listening ear to Doris. Isn't it crazy that the girls are only 5 months apart? Yet it is wonderful for Doris to always have your experience, thoughtful example and sisterly advice to lean on. Happy Mother's Day.

Of course, none of this would be possible without my sweet pea. You have changed my life so completely, I cannot imagine living days filled with joy without you. I am so blessed to be your mother.

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