Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Evie and Ella Reese

May has been a busy month! Over Mother's Day weekend, we went to Tennessee to celebrate my sister Sharon's graduation with a Masters in Art Education. It was also a mini-Kung Family Reunion, where Evie was going to meet her grandfather, aunts, uncle and niece for the first time. When we arrived, the first person Evie got to meet was her cousin Ella Reese.

Ella Reese and Evie are checking each other out. Mom is holding Evie, I am holding Ella Reese. When Evie first saw Ella Reese, she had a big gummy grin.

"What do you think of your cousin, Evie?" Perhaps she is a little dazed by the recent plane ride, or the fact that there were a lot of cameras in her face. Ella Reese is used to the paparazzi. Lil' cheeser.

Isn't Ella Reese so adorable?! I'm telling you, she loves that camera!

Ella Reese is 9 months and is very mobile. Evie was fascinated by Ella Reese's crawling. Watch and learn, little one. One day you can crawl just like your cousin. Then, Tim and I are really in trouble.

Evie met her grandfather for the first time, too. "I love you Pauh Pauh and Gung Gung!" (maternal grandma and grandpa)

Evie with Sharon at graduation. "Congratulations Aunty Sharon! I am so proud of you!"

Evie and her favorite people, her mommy and daddy. Our beautiful family with the World's Fair golden globey thing.

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