Friday, January 5, 2007

Documenting the Transformation

Call this a mini National Geographic-esque documentary on the transformation of the Baby's Room, if you will. This transformation has been as much a part of our lives these past few months as the pregnancy.

Here, you can see that we used this room as the "we don't know what to do with this stuff, let's just put it in here and close the door" room. After we discovered we were pregnant, we redubbed this "The baby's room."
Yes, we had a long way to go.

Ahhh, the transformation begins.

Here is my husband in action. He, like many other carriers of the hormone "testosterone", insisted that he carry out the preparation of the room by himself.

He presented arguments that my delicate state of pregnancy prevented me from painting or breathing in paint fumes (he was supported by my midwife and the guy at the paint store). He also remained obstinate that no outisde assistance cross into his territory, oh, erhh, I meant preparations for the baby.

However, Smokey the cat, who is barely male since the vet took away his precious ability to procreate, did attempt to assist Tim. Here, he has a nice white streak of paint across his forehead. His attempts at assistance were not appreciated.

Finally, the transformation is complete! You can see that because of my natural beauty and the obvious visual reason why all this work was necessary in the first place, I have fulfilled the Vanna White role in the presentation of this finished product.
Yes, there are still items in the crib that would hinder comfort and sleep, but that will be resolved before the baby arrives.

Now, all we are actually missing is a baby.

1 comment:

lillian said...

you are so funny doris!!!
room looks adorable!!!