Monday, September 20, 2010

Our House

One day Evie wanted to ride her tricycle outside.  I took the opportunity to take some pictures of the house exterior and the church grounds around us.

Here is Evie navigating her trike up the driveway that goes from the church at the top of the hill down to the parsonage.  You can see the side of the parsonage from here.


This is the view of the church through the trees, down next to the house.  You can also see some of the gravestones.

A pretty stone wall that curves around a little walkway to our backdoor.  When we first moved in, this entire wall was covered with hanging ivy.  I cut it all back, and wow!  How charming!

A nice headstone, right next to the privacy hedge that separates our backyard from the graveyard.  I kinda like this one because it tells a nice story … and the caption rhymes.  (You can see a little bit of the church in the background.)

I took this picture while standing underneath a gigantic evergreen.

The same evergreen from a wider view.  That is the house behind it. 

Our daily visitors, the deer.  Here, you can see a fawn walking through our backyard, and the doe looking on from the cemetary.  This was taken during dinnertime from the dining room picture window.  I was trying not to scare the fawn away, so I was crouching, and I didn't try to mess with the lighting.  The fawn is standing less than 20 feet away from the house in this shot.  They like to nibble on hedges, grass, and leaves in the cemetary. 

I guess this means I won't be planting tomatoes in the spring. 

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