Thursday, June 14, 2007

Meeting Helen and New Skills

This is a catch-up post, overdue by at least 3 weeks. Evie and I have been super busy, going to Washington D.C. by train to deliver grant applications (and even sitting in the Department of Labor waiting for the grant app to be picked up), going to the church leadership team retreat out in Amish country, and attending Annual Conference with mommy and hundreds of clergy and church folk. She happens to be a very good meeting attender. And is very good at flashing smiles and squeals at people who come to coo at her; she's a hit! As a result of our many travels, I am usually too wiped to do anything at night but eat and sleep. But tonight, I have time and energy, so here are some pictures from 3 weeks ago.

Helen, my very good friend and also the Maid of Honor at my wedding. She loves Evie, and tries to squeeze out as much quality time with her whenever we get a chance to drop by the Seminary.

This is when Evie first started being able to sit up by herself, with some back support, but she isn't falling forward or to the side. This is after a diaper change at the office (where she is also very popular, seems to be a trend wherever she goes).

These are pictures of Evie in the Johnny Jump-up that our friend Sheila loaned to us. It is hanging in the doorway between the kitchen and the dining room. She hasn't started jumping yet, but she loves to practice her standing skills, instead of lying around all the time on her back.

She also likes to turn to see what is going on in the dining room. You can see the bright pink and orange band-aids on her legs from her 4 month pediatrician visit. She had more shots and screamed all the way through. The minute I picked her up, she almost immediately fell fast asleep on my chest--worn out from all the screaming. Her 4 month report: Her head is in the 75th percentile--she has a big head, what a melon! Her height is in the 50th percentile, at 24 inches. Her weight is in the 25th percentile, at 12.5 lbs. I am SURE she weighs more than that now, the girl is growing so fast!

Evie in action!

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