Monday, June 4, 2007

Baby Friends!

Evie and Harmony, Jennette's daughter, are the official church babies. If we were selling products, their pictures would be on the labels. Every Sunday they attract a flock of admirers before service, during service (people like to sneak in goo-goos during the Fellowship Time), and of course after service. They were born two weeks apart (Evie is older) and have already had quite a few "play dates"--mommies played, babies just laid on their backs.

They just started looking at each other and smiling, cooing, holding hands. Sometimes they even coo and talk at the same time; a baby concert! They are TOO CUTE!

These pics were taken at church, after service a few weeks ago. Robert (Harmony's uncle) and Kim (Harmony's Grandpop) are holding the babies. Mariah is a little girl from church who loves the babies and the camera.

Holding hands?! They ARE baby best friends!

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