Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Evie and I would like to say ...

Thank you Hannah for being such a great mother to Doris. You have molded her, raised her, and taught her how to be a good woman, wife and mother. Happy Mother's Day.

Thank you Peggy for being such a wonderful mother to Tim. You and Ray have taught him what it means to be a loving, supportive husband and a present and attentive father. Without him, Doris could not be a good mother. Happy Mother's Day.

Thank you Lillian for being such a wonderful support and listening ear to Doris. Isn't it crazy that the girls are only 5 months apart? Yet it is wonderful for Doris to always have your experience, thoughtful example and sisterly advice to lean on. Happy Mother's Day.

Of course, none of this would be possible without my sweet pea. You have changed my life so completely, I cannot imagine living days filled with joy without you. I am so blessed to be your mother.

Kung Family Reunion

While we were in TN, we had the precious opportunity to be with my entire family. We are rarely ever all gathered together in one place, especially with the new babies, so we truly enjoyed our time together.

The Kung sisters!

Lillian and Ryan playing with Evie.

Displaying Evie's growing "bald line." She looks like she's developing a half-hearted monk hairstyle.
Evie and Ella Reese! I know, they are too cute in their matching outfits.

Seeing Evie in these pictures next to Ella Reese, I gotta think, "Wow, she really does look like a Chinese Tim."

All the Kung women together.

Evie and Ella Reese with their loving grandparents.

After all the pictures were taken, we realized we never got one of all us together. Who was going to hold all the cameras and do the picture taking?

Random Pics from TN

Evie demonstrated that she can stick her whole fist in her mouth.
Evie and Ella Reese compared their foot sizes. Ella Reese's foot is bigger only because she is older. There will be a day when age doesn't matter anymore--big feet will be big, no matter how old you are.
Giving a happy "Good Morning!" smile to her Granddaddy.
Evie, what are you doing?
"Just trading secrets with my new best friend!"

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Evie and Ella Reese

May has been a busy month! Over Mother's Day weekend, we went to Tennessee to celebrate my sister Sharon's graduation with a Masters in Art Education. It was also a mini-Kung Family Reunion, where Evie was going to meet her grandfather, aunts, uncle and niece for the first time. When we arrived, the first person Evie got to meet was her cousin Ella Reese.

Ella Reese and Evie are checking each other out. Mom is holding Evie, I am holding Ella Reese. When Evie first saw Ella Reese, she had a big gummy grin.

"What do you think of your cousin, Evie?" Perhaps she is a little dazed by the recent plane ride, or the fact that there were a lot of cameras in her face. Ella Reese is used to the paparazzi. Lil' cheeser.

Isn't Ella Reese so adorable?! I'm telling you, she loves that camera!

Ella Reese is 9 months and is very mobile. Evie was fascinated by Ella Reese's crawling. Watch and learn, little one. One day you can crawl just like your cousin. Then, Tim and I are really in trouble.

Evie met her grandfather for the first time, too. "I love you Pauh Pauh and Gung Gung!" (maternal grandma and grandpa)

Evie with Sharon at graduation. "Congratulations Aunty Sharon! I am so proud of you!"

Evie and her favorite people, her mommy and daddy. Our beautiful family with the World's Fair golden globey thing.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I Heart Mommy

"I love my Mommy!" Evie would like to share some Mommy and me pictures with you.

Peaceful naptime for Mommy and Evie...

... and Smokey the cat, too.

Monday, May 7, 2007

Over the River and Through the Woods ...

Last weekend we went to see my Grandma in New York City. Or for Evie, her Great-grandma.

Great-grandma gave her a red pocket. A red pocket is given on special occasions or celebrations and holds money. Evidently, she liked it because she started waving it around and then trying to eat it! Ahhh, is she starting to recognize her ability to exploit her relatives for money, candy and toys?

Evie and her Tai Tai (Great-grandma), happy and peaceful!

Evie and her Great-Aunt Kaye and her beloved Mommy. You can see her face looks a little puffy. That is because she cried all the way to Brooklyn to Aunty Kaye's house. It's nothing against Brooklyn, she was just very tired and when she is very tired, she hates the car seat.

Evie and her cousin Andrea who is also my cousin... does this make Andrea her Great-cousin? Is there such a thing?

"I love all this attention," Evie says, "but when do I get more red pockets?" Don't worry Evie; we are coming back to NYC to Great-grandma's house very soon!

Start Them Early

You may already know that Tim and I are political junkies of sorts. We love to watch "Hardball" on Sunday mornings when we can catch it before church, we love to talk about politics and share our opinions on who can win the White House and why, and we love to watch episodes of "The West Wing" series over and over again. Yes, we have all the seasons. Yes, we are ridicously hooked.

These days, we are caught up in a very exciting mayoral race. To see the candidates speak, we went to a political debate on poverty and homelessness last week. We took Evie to her first political debate and she enjoyed it. She has even decided to make her mayoral endorsement.