Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A necessary conversation

Blog: DORIS?  Is that you?  *shading eyes, squinting*  Oh, it IS you!

Doris: *shuffling feet* Yeah, hi Blog.

Blog:  *hands on hips*  Where have you been?!  I have been waiting and waiting ….

Doris: Yeah, I know, I know, it's been awhile since I've …

Blog:  … And people just keep coming up to me and asking how your family is doing …

Doris:  Sorry, Blog.  I know, I know.

Blog:  … and I never have anything new to say.  What gives?!

Doris:  Well, we've been … busy.  Very busy.

Blog:  Is that really an excuse?  *gasps, wringing hands*  Are you trying to break up with me?

Doris:  Blog! NO, of course not!  We really have been busy!

Blog:  *chin quivering, tears welling up* Please don't leave me to die.  *sniff*  Again.

Doris:  *sigh* You don't have to be so dramatic, Blog.  This is what has been going on--I had to go to my denomination's Annual Conference in Lancaster and we made it a little mini-family vacation.  After that, we have been packing like mad trying to get ready for our move in mid-July.  Right now, I am supposed to be cleaning the house because Grammy and Ray-Ray are coming in for an extended weekend visit.  However, I thought it would be nice to stop and check in with you.  Does that make you feel better?

Blog:  *wiping eyes with Kleenex*  Yes, I suppose so.  I just thought … because you hadn't been here in awhile.  If you would just TALK to me from time to time, we wouldn't have to do this.

Doris:  I'm sorry, Blog.  I really am.  Listen, I need to go because the baby is crying and I need to clean up a little before the in-laws arrive but I promise I will come and visit next week.  Okay?  Would a hug make you feel better?

Blog:  *nodding yes*

Doris hugs Blog.

Doris:  Okay, gotta go.  We'll talk soon.

Blog:  *taking a deep breath*  Okay, I can wait until then.  Thanks for that talk.  I needed it.

1 comment:

lillian said...

that is too funny doris1
life is busy, that is for sure!
the roof is fixed , right?
have fun with peggy and ray!

xoxoxoo lil