Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What's Hot, What's Not

Ms. Pat said that Evie's face is showing the "wisdom of discovery." Indeed. She is also showing the understanding of preferences, and readily exhibits her frustration if you cannot deliver "enh, enh" quickly enough. Here is a current list of What's Hot and What's Not in Evie's world.

What's Hot: Cooked peas; must not be cold. (very tasty with cubes of cheese and chunks of bread.)
What's Not: Cheerios.

What's Hot: Putting food in her own mouth.
What's Not: Anyone else putting food in her mouth (however, there are exceptions if the food is truly tasty).

What's Hot: Walking, with the aid of taller people.
What's Not: Crawling.

What's Hot: Pictures of cats lounging around.
What's Not: Smokey lounging around.

for Smokey: What's Hot--being outside. What's Not--Being forced into a family pictures.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.