Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Prayers for New Parents

Today I was reflecting on how Tim and I have been adjusting to our new status as Parents. I think, all things considered, we are doing okay. Don't get me wrong, it's really hard and we are severely sleep deprived but otherwise, we are "getting there". And folks, if you are not a parent, believe me, "getting there" sometimes feels like an army belly crawl through five inches of mud and in the next moment your heart is melting because she stopped screaming to coo and smile at you.

There are still several moments during the day when I wonder if Jesus would be kind enough to send someone to my house to help us understand what Evie needs or is trying to communicate through her fusses and cries.

Then I realize "Oh, right. That someone is US. Jesus sent us to understand her fusses and cries." So I keep praying that instead of sending Mary Poppins, that he would just give us supernatural ability to understand her baby language (or make me become Mary Poppins--I love the way she tidies up the nursery).

I also wonder if Evie, in her own baby way, is praying for us. In this picture, she is fast asleep on my lap, but I like to think that she is praying: "Jesus, please help my Mommy and Daddy understand me so we can all get some more sleep."


Diane said...

I so enjoy my daily visits to your blog to see the latest accomplishments of Evie abd the trials of her parents. Greg and I can so relate remembering our early days with Lauren. Without boring or scaring you, let us offer hope and encouragement that we all survived without permanent scarring!! Savor every moment for they pass all too quickly.
Anxious to know when you will be in our neck of the woods so we can love on her too.

Doris said...

We will be in Knoxville/Jeff County area around Mother's Day for my sister's graduation. A short visit but hope to see you. Tim and I are talking about the best time to come down for a longer period in the summer. Looking forward to introducing you to our little sweet pea!

rose said...

Dear Doris and Tim,

A wise man once wrote,


I tell you a mystery:

We will not all sleep,
but . . .

we will all be changed."
(1 Cor 15:51)

Okay, you've probably already heard that, but I still think it's a hoot! Blessings on bedtime with Evie!