Friday, June 18, 2010

Growth in the Chaos

Where have we been?  Are we still alive?!

We have been here, and yes we are alive.  But you haven't heard from us because our lives are CRAAZZZYYYYY.  And this is no exaggeration.

Why should I update the blog when I could be sleeping?  Why should I update the blog when I could be packing?  Why should I update the blog when I could be stealing precious moments to take a shower, eat some ice cream and watch a little TV before I gratefully fall asleep?  Moms, we need to get what we need when we can get it, right?

This is the state of affairs at the moment:

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

A necessary conversation

Blog: DORIS?  Is that you?  *shading eyes, squinting*  Oh, it IS you!

Doris: *shuffling feet* Yeah, hi Blog.

Blog:  *hands on hips*  Where have you been?!  I have been waiting and waiting ….

Doris: Yeah, I know, I know, it's been awhile since I've …

Blog:  … And people just keep coming up to me and asking how your family is doing …

Doris:  Sorry, Blog.  I know, I know.

Blog:  … and I never have anything new to say.  What gives?!

Doris:  Well, we've been … busy.  Very busy.

Blog:  Is that really an excuse?  *gasps, wringing hands*  Are you trying to break up with me?