Monday, March 17, 2008

More Bathroom Business

This picture is of my BFF Angie and her two girls, Ellie and Emma, when they came to visit Evie and I last August.

Angie and I were chatting one day recently when she told me about how much her little girl Emma (now 3 y.o.) loves loves loves cupcakes. So every now and then, as a treat, Angie will let her pick out a pack of cupcakes from the bakery section at the grocery store. Once, Emma picked out some cupcakes with Bright Blue Iceing. The entire next day, all of Emma's poops were BRIGHT BLUE. And, disturbingly enough, Emma's little bottom obtained a faded blue coloring as well.

After that day, Emma would check all of her diapers to see what color her poop had become. Smurfette, smurf that smurfy smurf!