Saturday, February 9, 2008

Catch-up Post #59: For All Ages and Species to Enjoy!

Aunt Diane and Uncle Greg gave Evie her first baby pretend-I-am-like-Mommy piece of furniture for Christmas. It is a baby changing table, complete with a mobile over the changing table area and cabinet space underneath. The changing table top comes off to reveal a handy baby bath tub. We all thought, hey, Evie will really like this!

When we set it up in the living room, the first one to begin playing with the changing table was not Evie. It was Smokey the cat. The changing table became his favorite perch and resting place. I like how he has slung his front leg over the railings with such catty attitude. Notice Evie doesn't care about the changing table; she is more interested at the moment in knocking over the Santa gourds.

Then she went shopping with the shopping cart....

Then called up her bff and chatted about Pastor Gene's sermon...

Meanwhile, Smokey is peacefully enjoying the view from his new favorite changing table spot. Until ...

Evie discovers the mobile.

Smokey becomes alarmed and begins to fear for his safety.

After Evie victoriously helped Smokey vacate the premises, she begins to enjoy the toy that was hers from the beginning.

Thanks Aunt Diane and Uncle Greg for giving us a Christmas present that appeals to all ages and species in our family!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Catch Up Post #58: Late Friday Night Gumbo

No, you didn't miss posts 2 to 57. I just decided that since I am finally back to normal (I was decommissioned for a week after Evie's birthday with some bad bug that did lots of things to my consciousness), let's just post lots of pictures!

These are early to mid-December 2007.

We just got home from a long day at the sitter's and she is a worn-out snowbunny.

Evie tried orange juice (more like water with orange juice flavor) for the first time. She liked it.

AHHH! Drama and chaos ensue when she ran out of her orange juice flavored water.

Naked bathtime pics. Tim did her hair.

She looks like a very sad kewpie doll here. (It's okay if you point and laugh; I just did it too.)

That's all the random pics for now, folks! Next post: something special for Aunt Diane!