Tuesday, November 13, 2007

What's Hot, What's Not

Ms. Pat said that Evie's face is showing the "wisdom of discovery." Indeed. She is also showing the understanding of preferences, and readily exhibits her frustration if you cannot deliver "enh, enh" quickly enough. Here is a current list of What's Hot and What's Not in Evie's world.

What's Hot: Cooked peas; must not be cold. (very tasty with cubes of cheese and chunks of bread.)
What's Not: Cheerios.

What's Hot: Putting food in her own mouth.
What's Not: Anyone else putting food in her mouth (however, there are exceptions if the food is truly tasty).

What's Hot: Walking, with the aid of taller people.
What's Not: Crawling.

What's Hot: Pictures of cats lounging around.
What's Not: Smokey lounging around.

for Smokey: What's Hot--being outside. What's Not--Being forced into a family pictures.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Baby Day Out

Recently, the mommies of my church had a Baby Day Out at my house. Actually, there were supposed to be three mommies, but Keima called me the night before to say that Sebalah was sick. So it ended up being an Evie and Harmony playdate.

Car seats are much more interesting that the twenty baby toys laying on the floor.

Both babies are crawling now; it was SO HARD to get a picture of the two of them sitting still!

When they found Harmony's bib in her diaper bag and began to argue over who could hold it, Jennette and I decided that their playdate was over. Time for naps!

Friday, November 9, 2007

Children's Festival

We took Evie to the Mainline Children's Festival, an annual event at one of our partner churches. It is pretty much a pre-Halloween festival for the kiddies. Here are some pictures from the Festival.

When we arrived, there was a children's concert going on. Evie loved the music and singing! She and Tim were clapping their hands to the music.

Then we got ready for the Halloween Parade. All the kids in costumes were lining up.

A close up of our Ladybug during the Parade.

The Halloween Parade was basically a short walk around the church with drummers and singers and people handing out candy along the way. We were at the front of the parade.

She seemed more interested in being outside and listening to the drumming than anything else.

Later on, Elmo arrived! But Evie was distracted by something else.

Tim was showing Evie the fire engine when I took a picture of her wingspan.

The festival was lots of fun and we wore her out. She ended up falling asleep during a very loud concert. When she woke up, we had dinner at a local farmers market and Tim and I had chicken dumplings, Thai tofu and Chinese veggies. She was supposed to be eating baby food, but after a taste of the Thai tofu, it was over. She refused to have anything but the Thai flavored tofu. She ate three cubes of it by herself! Of course, she knows what tastes best: Thai tofu is much better than baby creamed corn...