Friday, September 28, 2007

We're Back, sortof

I finally downloaded a ridiculous amount of pictures on my computer at work (my little laptop is still really unhappy). And for whatever reason, I am having problems getting them all on the blog.

But at least I got one post. I will keep trying.

Some updates, starting from the most recent:

1. Tim's mom is in town -- yeah for Peggy! She is currently bonding with Evie at home, which allows me to bond with productiveness at work. She'll be here until Wednesday. We are so glad to have her visit with us!

2. Evie started teething yesterday. Well, at least I think she did. She has been pretty irritable lately, and then yesterday while in the highchair for a late afternoon snack, she began to scream as I was stabbing her with ten knives. I immediately left work to buy some Baby Orajel. Since then, no screaming, no waking up in the middle of the night screaming, and most importantly, no evidence of teeth. I guess it's still happening, since she is still very irritable.

3. Evie is starting finger foods. She loves Cheerios, all fruits of all kinds, and any other piece of dirt she can pick up in her two little fingers. One morning, I was trying to feed her some cinnamon/granola/raisin mushy mixture (Gerber baby food) and after 5 bites, she begin to despise it. She also rejected the apples and bananas baby food and started crying and yelling even louder. When I picked up a nectarine and showed it to her, her pacifier dropped out of her mouth and she opened her mouth VERY WIDE. She showed her pleasure by smearing nectarine all over her face, ears, hair and on her arms up to her elbows in her sometimes successful attempts to feed herself.

4. Doris broke her foot. I was walking to the bank and jumped over a very big puddle while wearing heels. I do not attribute my brokenness to the heels, but still, I landed on the side of my foot instead of the bottom of my very big foot. A few hours later the ER doctor confirmed that I had fractured the metatarsal something or other. I have been hobbling around in a walking boot, which looks like a ski boot with lot of velcro. I am beginning to *Not Like It At All*, especially since my bone is starting to knit together and providing me with dreams of greater mobility.

5. Evie started crawling, pulling up to a standing position, and semi-cruising, all within one week. She started Labor Day weekend and it has been a mobility adventure since then. Of course, she became mobile and then I became immobile and motherhood has been a little challenging. At first, her crawling goal was Smokey the cat and all his accessories (his food bowl, water bowl, his scratching pad, his dirty and saliva covered toys). Now, her crawling goal is any open doorway (or closed doorway, in the hopes it will open and give her acces to freedom).

Eat, Eat

Here are several pictures of Evie and one of her new favorite pastimes: eating. They are in chronological order, so these are eating pictures starting from two months ago. You can tell that time is passed by how her hair starts looking fuller.

Around 6 months. She didn't really want to eat the mashed bananas, but she had a great time playing in it.

Right before 7 months. Tim came home in time to see her finish off mushy sweet peas.

This is in the middle of her 7th month. I am not sure what was going on here, but she is awfully cute.

These two are the most recent, right before she turned 8 months. She was eating sweet potatoes. However, it looks like the sweet potatoes tried to eat her.

My lil' sweet potato baby.

So here is what she is doing now: Evie pretty much eats a breakfast, lunch and dinner. She is in love with Cheerios and is able to pick them up and jam it into her mouth. She is also able to find small bits of paper or dirt on the floor and put that into her mouth as well. She loves to drink out of a sippy cup and prefers water, not juice. She is now very much a fan of bananas, and prefers to physically put her mouth on the banana and gum off a piece rather than you just handing it to her. And then she will take whatever piece of banana you give her and rub it in her ears, her hair, and around her eyes. It makes the mornings fun.